

Ital­ian air­ship engi­neer Umber­to Nobile enjoys a qui­et life with his beloved dog Titi­na, who charmed him into res­cu­ing her from the streets of Rome. One day, Nor­we­gian explor­er super­star Roald Amund­sen con­tacts him and orders an air­ship to con­quer The North Pole. Nobile seizes the oppor­tu­ni­ty to go down in his­to­ry. He brings Titi­na along, and the unlike­ly trio sets out on an expe­di­tion to the last undis­cov­ered place on Earth. Their quest is suc­cess­ful but, in the after­math, the two men start to quar­rel over the glo­ry … Through the eyes of the four-legged celebri­ty Titi­na, (re)discover a true sto­ry of tri­umph and defeat. Director Kajsa Næss in-person.