Producer, director and screenwriter. Screenwriter for several TV animated series and for the feature film Goomer, Goya Award for the Best Spanish Animated Feature Film 1999. Producer, director and screenwriter of La Crisis Carnívora (2007), the first Spanish feature film in Flash animation for theatres, and Birdboy (2010), Goya Award for the Best Spanish Animated Short Film, preselected for the Academy Awards (longlist), with more than 40 awards and 200 selections in film festivals.

Rivero was President of the Basque Screenwriters Guild 2002-2008. He is an author of theatrical plays and comic books.

Filmography as Director and Producer:

PSICONAUTAS, LOS NIÑOS OLVIDADOS (2015). Animated feature film.

BIRDBOY (2010). Animated short film.

LA CRISIS CARNIVORA (Animal Crisis, 2007). Animated feature film.

Other Works as Screenwriter and Producer:

UNICORN BLOOD (2013). Animated short film.