DON HALL (Director, Story by) began his career at Walt Disney Animation Studios in June 1995 as a story apprentice on “Tarzan.” He served as a story arst on several development projects and produtions, including “The Emperor’s New Groove” and “Chicken Little,” before becoming head of story for “Meet the Robinsons” and “The Princess and the Frog.”

Hall made his directorial debut for Disney Animation’s 2011 “Winnie the Pooh” and went on to direct “Big Hero 6,” which won an Academy Award® for best animated feature film. He then served as co-director on “Moana.” He is the creator of the upcoming Disney Animation/Disney Plus animated series, “Baymax,” and is currently directing his next as-yet unannounced feature film for Disney Animation.

Hall graduated with a BFA in drawing and painting from the University of Iowa and a BFA in character animation from California Instute of the Arts. After graduating from CalArts, he returned to the campus as an instructor in advanced story development.

Hall is a nave of Glenwood, Iowa, and currently resides in Pasadena with his wife and two children.