Returning for its 4th consecutive year, this jewel of the Animation Is Film program highlights a collection of female-directed short films. Programmed in partnership with the Annecy International Animation Film Festival and Women in Animation.
THE GARBAGE MAN (O Homem Do Lixo) / dir. Laura Goncalves / Portugal
THE FLYING SAILOR / dirs. Amanda Forbis & Wendy Tilby / Canada
STEAKHOUSE / dir. Spela Cadez / Slovenia-Germany-France
LES LIAISONS FOIREUSES / dirs. Violette Delvoye & Chloe Alliez / Belgium-France
THE QUEEN OF FOXES (La Reine des renards) / dir. Marina Rosset / Switzerland
ONCE THERE WAS A SEA (Bolo raz jedno more…) / dir. Joanna Kozuch / Poland-Slovakia