October 23, 2022 – 12:30 PM

Our panelists will present a complete overview of animation in France including schools, incentives, artistic approaches, experience in producing a major projects, and distribution.

RSVP: frenchinmotionla@gmail.com

12:30 PM – Doors Open

1:00 PM – Panel Begins

2:30 PM – Networking Cocktail Hour

4:00 PM – Le Petit Nicolas Screening


Moderator – Claude Budin Juteau (Journalist)

French Education in Animation

Guillaume Champavere (Executive Director, Emile Cohl Atelier, Social Impact Design Academy)

Artistic Approach, the Difference Between France and US

Baptiste Lucas (Art Director, Visual Development chez Walt Disney Television)

Producing With France

Robert Rippberger (Producer, The Inventor)

The Financial Incentives to Shoot Animation in France

Guillaume Kervern (Film & TV Liason, The French Consulate in LA

Distributing French Animation in the US

David Jesteadt (President, GKIDS)