In 1981, the animated film SON OF THE WHITE MARE (FEHÉRLÓFIA) burst onto the scene, astounding audiences with its explosion of color and unparalleled creativity and artistry. Based on Hungarian myth, it tells the story of three brothers born to a mythical white mare, tasked with journeying to the Underworld to save their kingdom from a horde of dragons. A bedtime story on acid, nothing is as it seems in this intensely original world. While it has been compared to other giants of animation, such as BELLADONNA OF SADNESS and FANTASTIC PLANET, this twisted fairytale has a kaleidoscopic style completely its own, resplendent with neon-drenched dreamscapes, and mythical gods and monsters that fluidly shape-shift before our eyes.

Widely unavailable since its original release, Arbelos Films commissioned a team of over twenty artists to breathe new life into the animation, restoring the eye-popping colors from the original camera negative, in a project years in the making. Director and animation legend Marcell Jankovics supervised the entire process, and the film is once again ready to take its rightful place as one of the greatest animated features of all time. (Lisa Dreyer, Fantastic Fest)