Rebecca Sugar is the creator of Cartoon Network’s six-time Emmy-nominated series Steven Universe, an animated slice-of-life action comedy revolving around Steven, the “little brother” to a team of magical aliens—the Crystal Gems—who defend the planet Earth.
After graduating from the School of Visual Arts (SVA) with a BFA in Animation, Sugar joined Adventure Time in 2009. During her time on the iconic series as a storyboard artist and writer, Sugar garnered both Emmy nominations and an Annie Award win, as well a deep fan base following the many songs she wrote for the show.
Sugar’s work has been hailed for its inclusion, making history as the first animated series to win a GLAAD Media Award in 2019, with previous nominations in 2017 and 2018. The series was also awarded the 2018 Peabody Award in the Children and Youth Entertainment category.
Sugar was also included in Variety’s Hollywood’s New Leaders 2016: The Creatives list, where she was recognized alongside other notable artists such as Damien Chazelle, Jerrod Carmichael and Donald Glover. A children’s book adaptation of the Emmy-nominated Steven Universe episode “The Answer” also written by Sugar was released on Sept. 6., 2016 where it became a New York Times bestseller.