Twenty years ago, for its inaugural production, the then fledgling DreamWorks Animation adapted arguably the most famous story in history. And the rest is history. Based on the Book of Exodus, The Prince of Egypt tells the story of Moses (Val Kilmer), adopted son of the Pharaoh, who upon learning his true identity, leads his people out of slavery, against the will of his brother Rameses (Ralph Fiennes). Utilizing a crew of over 350 artists, the film pioneered the marriage of traditional “hand drawn” work with state-of-the-art computer animation (the latter, most notably, in the astonishing parting of the Red Sea sequence) to create a work worthy of its aspirations. Preceding the Academy’s Best Animated Feature category by three years, the film did pick up an Oscar for Best Song (“When You Believe”), the first for the company.

Animation Is Film is proud to present a 20th anniversary celebration of the film and the company that made it, with a great many of the original DreamWorks artists expected to be in attendance.

Brenda Chapman, Steve Hickner, & Simon Wells