Benjamin Renner follows up his delightful, Oscar®-nominated Ernest & Celestine with a lively trio of hand-drawn cartoons about life on an animal farm, adapted from his own acclaimed graphic novel about a fox who struggles to live up to his reputation as a carnivore. Failing miserably at stealing chickens, he swipes three eggs instead. But after sitting on them patiently in the hopes of a meal, the newly hatched chicks cling to the fox and call him mommy. Despite his hunger he can’t quite bring himself to eat the infants he’s falling in love with. Other characters include a duck who has no idea how to swim, a lizard who speaks Mandarin, a stork who is too lazy to deliver babies, and if you wait for the end credits, a grumpy frog janitor modelled on the film’s multi-Academy Award®-nominated producer Didier Brunner. Throughout it all, Renner’s trademark warmth and visual humor is in full effect, in this entertaining, truly all-ages film that manages to be smart, charming, and laugh-out-loud funny without even a whiff of cynicism.

Film also screened at Annecy International Animation Festival 2017